The project “Smart warehouse” for the Moscow depot of the company “Siemens “was implemented by the company” RST-Invent ” in order to create a single database on the availability of special equipment in the warehouse, which supports 100% up-to-date data in online mode.

The RFID technology integrated into the warehouse is designed to automate the processes of receiving and delivering special equipment. The specialists of” RST-Invent ” organized an access control and management system (ACS), an anti-theft system for entering / exiting the warehouse, and placed an RFID tunnel with a conveyor line through which the process of receiving and delivering marked equipment was organized.
On the basis of the modern motor car depot “Podmoskovnaya”, the company “Siemens” LLC is responsible for the maintenance and repair of trains “Sapsan” and “Lastochka”. A full-fledged repair base is concentrated in one place, which allows you to improve the quality of maintenance and reduce the cost of the life cycle. In the main workshop of the depot, such complex operations as replacing wheel sets, sub-car and roof equipment, turning wheel sets, checking the operation of the train under high voltage are performed. The organization of work corresponds to the modern world technical level and allows you to ensure the reliability of rolling stock in operation, reduce downtime and maintenance costs, increase the productivity and safety of repair teams. The depot also serves as a training center for the operation and maintenance of high-speed electric trains.