To increase efficiency and reduce hospital costs, RST-Invent has developed a solution for automatically tracking the movement of medical instruments based on RFID technology.
An organized RFID system records the accuracy of the complete set of the medical tool kit before and after the operation to ensure that everything necessary is ready to start the procedure and that no surgical instruments are left inside the patient after the operation.

Instruments marked with RFID tags before the operation are placed on the smart desktop of the medical worker, on the screen of which a complete list of the prepared set is displayed (data on the equipment provided is recorded in the IS).
After the operation is completed, all instruments are placed in an RFID container for identification and verification of the completeness of the kit and sent for sterilization in it. Missing tools will be highlighted in red on the screen until the completeness discrepancy is resolved.
Also, if necessary, a medical officer can see detailed information about each instrument on the screen of the reader (image, name, manufacturer, date of purchase of the instrument, number of sterilization cycles, repair history, location).
The introduction of the RST-Invent software and hardware RFID complex provides a number of advantages for the hospital:
✓ Does not require direct visibility of the RFID tag for identification (data is collected immediately after the tag falls into the reader’s coverage area)
✓ Provides the ability to group read (up to 800 objects at a time)
✓ Speeds up and automates the inventory of operating rooms, laboratories, treatment rooms and other rooms (instant reading of a large number of objects, eliminating the human factor)
✓ Provides real-time monitoring of tool stocks
✓ Monitors the movement of assets, detailing their location depending on the number and location of readers