RST-Invent Company has developed a hardware-software complex for monitoring the use of personal protective equipment in infectious diseases departments of hospitals.
The organization of RFID control of the use of PPE begins with the labeling of each element of the anti-plague suit with RFID tags, equipping strategic hospital nodes with RFID equipment and integrating special software into the hospital information system. The hardware-software RFID complex provides automatic recording of PPE, control of completeness at any point in the hospital, and also identifies the identity of the medical worker.

It is not possible to visually identify an employee equipped with a plague-proof suit. But with the help of a self-adhesive RFID badge printed on an RFID printer, you can not only read information about a medical professional, but also track his movement.
The route is recorded in the hospital’s IS in the online mode and displays the time spent by the health worker in the infectious ward.
Using a hardware-software complex, RST-Invent specialists are deploying an automated system for controlling access of medical personnel to the infectious diseases department. So, an RFID antenna is installed at the input, which identifies the employee and checks the completeness of his anti-plague suit. If all conditions are met, the system gives permission to enter. If a violation of completeness or the absence of a badge is detected, the employee will not be able to get into the department until the discrepancy is eliminated.

One of the important advantages of introducing the RST-Invent hardware and software system is the monitoring of compliance with the working hours of employees of medical institutions. Often, the fact of overtime is not fixed and, accordingly, the norms and payments established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation are violated. If such violations are detected, the RFID system informs supervisors about the fact of non-compliance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, the system will ensure 100% compliance with the working conditions and labor standards of medical staff, as well as the implementation of Presidential Decree No. 313 of May 6, 2020 “On the provision of additional insurance guarantees to certain categories of medical workers”