RST-Invent Company has developed a hardware-software RFID complex designed to optimize the development and maintenance of the infrastructure of the energy complex enterprises.
Pursuant to Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation dated 05.09.2017 No. 203 “On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017 – 2030”, a digital transformation strategy for the electric power industry was developed, which is designed to transform the energy infrastructure of the Russian Federation to increase its efficiency and security.
The concept of “Digital Transformation 2030” is an important message for the introduction of intelligent control systems based on digital technologies in enterprises of the energy complex, among which RFID technology occupies an important place.
Automated infrastructure asset management system
The hardware-software RFID-complex allows you to automate the activities of accounting and inventory of electric grid equipment. For fast and efficient implementation of these operations, each object subject to accounting is marked with an RFID tag.
For marking metal-containing objects of the energy complex (air towers of power lines, transformer substation units), RFID tags PatchTag and TargetTag are used.

The identifier code for each label is mapped to the name in the inventory sheet. As a result of marking, each item is assigned the item nomenclature of the object from the IS.
To conduct search and write-off of fixed assets of the enterprise mobile RFID readers are used. As a result of the actions taken, a report is generated on the correspondence of information from the information system to the actual presence of objects on the site. Also, if the reader detects objects that are irrelevant to this location, the system will automatically notify the user of this and send a notification to the IS.
Maintenance and Repair
In most cases, emergencies at the energy industry facilities occur due to untimely maintenance or unfair performance of the duties of the repair team.
Implementation of RFID technology will provide real-time monitoring of maintenance and repair. The fact of servicing the facility, the time and name of the work performed are recorded at the time of execution, both in the Information System and in the RFID tag of the facility. The enterprise ACS database provides storage of detailed operation history of each marked object.
The use of radio frequency tags in conjunction with a clear repair policy of the company allows you to track the deterioration of power equipment and timely repair or replace the necessary components of the power system, while minimizing the human factor.
Control of tenants of electric grid facilities
Cell phones fully work only as long as there is a signal from the network. Cellular coverage is created from antennas located at the base stations of the operator. Like any equipment, mobile communications are powered by electricity. In the event of a power failure to the base station, the network will completely shut down. Therefore, to ensure the smooth operation of the network, mobile operators place their equipment at the facilities of electric grid companies, including power transmission towers.
The RST-Invent RFID solution will exclude the possibility of illegal connection and determine the authenticity of the ownership of mobile communication equipment to the operator or Internet service provider that has entered into a lease for the energy facility.
The implementation of the RST-Invent hardware and software complex will solve the main task of the energy industry enterprises – eliminating the threat of business profitability, ensuring an uninterrupted production process and increasing productivity.