In 2019, in connection with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 204 “On national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024”, the national project “Healthcare” was launched, which includes a set of interrelated measures divided into 8 federal projects. One of them is digital medicine, namely “Creation of a unified digital health care circuit based on the Unified State Health Information System”.
Last week, a working meeting of representatives of the RST-Invent company and participants in the Voronezh digital health project took place: Deputy Director for Information Technologies of the Voronezh Medical Information and Analytical Center (VMIAC) Volkova Natalya Vladimirovna and the chief physician of the Voronezh City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medicine No. 10 Ivanov Mikhail Vasilievich.
On the basis of the Voronezh City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medicine No. 10 , the specialists not only discussed the nuances of implementing an RFID system, but also identified the main points for placing RFID equipment.
The result of the meeting was the start of the implementation of a project for the digitalization of healthcare in Voronezh and the Voronezh region, within which a unified RFID system will be created to monitor and optimize the time for receiving emergency patients, track and search for patients on the territory of the hospital in real time in all hospitals in Voronezh and the Voronezh region.

The Unified State Information System in the Healthcare Sector – is a national information system created to provide effective information support to bodies and organizations of the healthcare system, as well as citizens within the framework of the management of medical care and its direct receipt.
The goal of the Unified State Health Information System is to increase the efficiency of the health care system by introducing digital technologies and platform solutions, innovative medical technologies that form a single digital health care circuit to ensure measures aimed at reducing the mortality rate of the working-age population, from diseases of the circulatory system, neoplasms, and infant mortality.
Voronezh City Clinical Emergency Hospital No. 10 is a large clinical hospital complex that combines a multidisciplinary hospital and a maternity hospital. The hospital provides primary specialized health care, specialized and high-tech medical care in emergency and planned procedures.
The Voronezh Medical Information and Analytical Center (VMIAC) provides technical support for measures to improve the business and professional qualifications of healthcare workers, receive and submit to the relevant government authorities consolidated state and sectoral medical statistical reports, and provide operational information support to healthcare authorities in the Voronezh Region